Friday, October 11, 2013

Where did you go?

I got an e mail from a friend who reads my blog, but isn't on Facebook.  She asked, "Where did you go?"  Has it really been a month since I posted on here?  I feel like it flew by and took ages all at the same time.  Am I the only one who feels that way about how time passes?  

In the past month,

My second son was attacked by a dog and was left with a hole in his leg and a deep fear of dogs.

All 4 Ferglets became scouts.  I have one Boy Scout, one Webelo, one Bear Scout, and one Girl Scout.  Yes, I have issues with Girl Scouts in general, but we are in a troop with high moral values and a lot of flexibility.  I don't want to argue with anyone about Planned Parenthood and GS.

My beloved drove to Va, turned around and drove back in a week because of the shut down.

My oldest son turned 12.  Seriously?  I have a 12 year old.  *faints* 

I turned 31.  I'm an honest person.  That number freaks me out.  I feel old, but I feel like I have earned the right to say my age.  If you ask me in public, I might not admit to anything older than 28.  I'd like to think I can pull off 28 still.  ;-)

We all got more frustrated than I would like with school and are  reevaluating our school plan.  

I read 32 novels.  I like to read one every night or several on days that we aren't really doing a lot.  I have been enjoying reading through some of my required reading from previous college classes.  I'm still rockin' my nerd banner!

I am sure there are so many other things I could include, but it seems like things have been awkwardly busy.  

My beloved got me a keyboard for my iPad, which is seriously the best invention since the iPad (although I'm digging the other kind from the comparison commercial).  Now that I don't have to sit in the corner to type, and I don't have to fight with autocorrect, I don't have any excuses for not keeping the blog up.
The picture has nothing to do with the blog.  It just made me laugh  That is my Beloved's super visible helmet.

SOOOOOOO  here is where I need your help.  I have every intention for this blog to be a lifestyle kind of blog... a mommy blog with a nerdy homeschool twist if you will.  What kind of topics would you like to see?  I am an organization freak, obsessed with Christmas, a vegan recipe junkie, bibliophile to the max, and consumed with scouts.  If that helps, I know a lot about those things.  ;-)  

PS.. if you are actually reading this, and I am not talking to myself online, HI!  I'm totally waving at you and I appreciate you reading this far and not thinking I am some sort of nut job.  Everyone needs a crazy friend, right?  Anywho.  Hi.  I appreciate you taking a moment of your day.
