Monday, April 7, 2014

let's be real...

Have you ever felt like you had to fit into a certain mold?  Have you ever let other's expectations of you take over and force you to loose who you really are?  
I have.  
I have wanted to be a blogger for years.  I always promise I'll get back to it, then get all caught up in the what kind of blogger are you thing.  Am I going to be a blogger who actually makes money from their blog?  Probably not.  I don't have a lot of serious wisdom, I am not incredibly talented in any area, and I am not overly passionate about any one thing in particular. I have felt almost crippled by the whole process.  I don't want to ONLY write about one thing or another.  I am not that kind of person.  I am a little all over the place sometimes, but in a relatively orderly manner.  That might just work for this blog.  I am giving myself permission to write about WHATEVER here.  You know what that means?  It means I will actually blog.  It means you will get to see a little more real, and a little less ideal, and I am okay with that.

Here is the deal: 
 I am a Soldier's wife.  I am not the "Army wife, toughest job in the Army" kind of person.  I am INCREDIBLY proud of my husband's service, but I do not have a cammo brag bag, wear pt's to the grocery store, or have a million military related stickers on my van. Military life is difficult.  Soldiers have crazy lives, and it is our job to support and encourage them so that they are able to do their best.  Some things like moving away from your favorite people often, or explaining to your children that their Dad will not make it to their birthday again makes it a challenge.  This is our life.  We chose it.  I know that life in general is a challenge, so I am trying to focus on the positive things and enjoy this time in our lives.  My husband will not be in forever, and I will miss the unity one has with Army sisters.  
I am a Soldier's wife with 4 children.  My children are older now, so I am able to do more things away from my home.  We really love parks and exploring new places, so I focus on those things.  When they need extra time at home to remember what being a part of a family is all about, or they forget how to behave in public, I take that time regardless of what we have going on.  I am responsible for doing my absolute best to equip these young people with the skills and tools they need to be the very best versions of themselves.  It is time consuming and completely overwhelming sometimes.  These are real people.  We have real experiences.  Some days are awful, and some are so good it feels like we experience a taste of heaven.  
I am a Soldier's wife with 4 children who I homeschool.  That means a significant portion of my brain is CONSTANTLY occupied by lesson plans, curriculum, and random weird historical or scientific facts.  I am constantly planning, researching, or working on school related things.  It is something that I feel very knowledgeable about, and am passionate about talking about.  Homeschooling isn't for everyone.  It isn't easy.  It isn't always fun, or as fruitful as I would like it to be.  Other times, it is amazing.  I love learning new things with my children.  It is what works for us, and I will probably talk about it a lot.  I am not going to apologize for that.  
I am the kind of person who collects information, a true researcher.  I want to share so many things with everyone.  Why not use this blog as a place for that?  I chose { Present in Each Moment } as my title, because that is how I want to live.  Sharing more of my real experience, my knowledge, my passions is part of that process.  
Still with me?  Good.  Thank you.  Thank you for letting me be real, for letting me let go of the constant need to apologize for being myself, for not fitting into the mold.  Why would we want to be the same anyway?  Life is meant to be an adventure, a collection of a great many random and unique experiences.  Now, you get to hear about the ones I have, and I hope to get to know some of you in the process.



  1. Love you just the way you are and miss you girlie!! :)

    1. Thank you, Holly. You have always been so encouraging. :-)

  2. I love it! I love your insight on your life. And I love how powerful it spoke to me, even when you did not mean to!

    1. We all go through so many of the same things. It seems crazy not to share so we can walk through it together.

  3. You are an amazing person and I am glad that you have come into our lives. I enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to more great readings.

    1. I am so glad I met you! I am so thankful for your willingness to help others embrace their creativity.

  4. Keep it up! It makes me feel closer and more connected when i get to read your blogs!

  5. Indeed. ;-) You set the bar high as far as loving and encouraging your Soldier. :-)
