Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Homeschool year 2013-2014

I can't believe we are over a month into our school year already.  Everyone is still alive.  Things are actually getting better again.  I have a lot of friends and family who ask the same 5 questions about homeschooling, so I thought I would do a homeschool mini-series!  That's right.  We are totally getting fancy here.
  I might actually be able to do this blogging thing now that I have a real computer again.  I love having my ipad for a few things, but the darn thing is impossible to type on!  Anywhooooo..... 5 questions.  The question I am asked the most is "what curriculum do you use?"
First of all, I live in Texas.  If you're not a homeschooler you don't understand the significance of it, and if you are, you probably know that we have some of the most lenient homeschooling laws in the country.  You don't have to notify anyone unless your child is already in a public school and you plan on disenrolling.  There are no time or day requirements.  No work samples, tests, or attendance records have to be turned in to anyone.  Having said that, I keep ALL of those records, and we do around 200 days of school each year.
Sooooo... What do we use?  

This year we changed it up a bit, but I'll try to keep it all simple in the list...

Bible:  Calvary Curriculum.  We are starting with Daniel and then working through the New Testament.  Why Daniel? So much of the prophesy comes to pass in the NT.  I want the children to see it unfold!

Math: Teaching Textbooks   We will be using levels 3-6 this year with the children.  2 of my boys LOVE math and would do it for fun any day of the week.  (weirdos! ;-) )

Language Arts: Rod and Staff  We will be using levels 3,4,and 6 in their English series.  We will be doing our own spelling and plugging lists into Spelling City for practice.  Josh and I will be working on creative writing projects together using a curriculum I am writing for him. Anah and I will be reading through Grammarland and illustrating our own version of the story.  We loved the activities for Grammar Land found here.

History, Science, Geography, and Reading:  Trail Guide to Learning: Paths of Exploration.  It contains everything we need except math, but I really feel like my children need a more rigorous Language Arts program.  TGTL uses living books and has a very Charlotte Mason feel to it.  I have found it to be a bit of a challenge with 4 children so far.  We have learned more geography this year than in the past few years because it blends with the history study seamlessly.  We are emotionally invested in the lives of the great explorers of our American past, and that helps us all learn more.  I will go more in depth and add to the science using books we have collected because we are science nerds.

Art:  This is a HUGE one for me this year.  We will be doing a very thorough study of artists, technique, and styles.  We even plan on interviewing several artists.  We are fortunate to be related to several artistically talented or connected ;-) people!  Most of our formal work comes from the World's Greatest Artists, ARTistic Persuits, and various Usborne art books.

Music:  We will be learning how to play the recorder this year.  I learned how to do it in Australia when I was a kid, and I still remember how to play.  I am looking forward to impromptu concerts from the children often.  We are also studying composers, hymns, and music genres.  It is time to expose the children to something other than classical, classic rock, or christian music.

Creative Arts:  We will be weaving, knitting (yes, even the boys), woodworking, and gardening.

Of course we will be READING, READING, READING and celebrating all kinds of feasts, festivals, and holidays Waldorf style!

There it is folks.  Eclectic to the max.
 Now you know.


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